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When to Call a Plumber

Some issues are too dangerous or complicated to tackle alone. Hire a licensed plumber for the following tasks for your safety and the integrity of your home.

  1. Installing or fixing broken pipes – Plumbers will have the correct tools and knowledge to fix or repair your pipe so you don’t have a flood later.
  2. Rusty water – When your water is rusty, it usually means that your water heater, storage tank, or pipes are rusty. A plumber can help you figure out what is causing the problem and what the appropriate fix should be.
  3. Water Leaks – Any time you have water leaking it could potentially cause costly damage to your valuable investment, “your home”. The last thing you want to do is make matters worse or do more damage trying to find the problem yourself.
  4. Anything requiring a permit

Have additional questions?

We’re here to help. Call Us (425) 880-9090

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